Hand Stripping takes 2-4 hours depending on breed and size.
This is charged at £50 per hour and the duration and frequency depends on whether your dog’s coat is rolled on a more regular basis (approx every 4-8 weeks) or stripped down 2/3 times a year when their coat is blown (we call this stripping to their undies as the dog looks almost naked with all the top coat removed and just the undercoat left).
Not all dogs are suitable for handstripping. Neutering, previously clipping and of course their willingness to be stripped all need to be taken into consideration.
It is estimated that by the time a dog is 2 years old they have started to show signs of oral disease.
Ultrasound reaches deep below the gum line to kill germs and bacteria and cleans the teeth and gums to prevent the build up of plaque and tartar.
Effectively combating:
An ultrasound cleaning session takes approximately 30 minutes and can be added on to your dog’s regular groom.
Results vary depending on the severity of your dog’s plaque/tartar build up and time between appointments.
Initial session and brush head £50
Subsequent individual sessions £25
Sessions must be every 4-6 weeks.